Welcome to High Coast Kayak

Experience the high coast from the sea

Rent a kayak in the High Coast

Go kayaking at the High Coast, and experience the magnificent coastline from the Sea. Summer of 2025 we offer:
Kajak läger vid strand

Easy kayaking down the Ångermanälven River

For you who have at least some kayaking experience. Self guided paddling down the majestic, slow Ångermanälven River.

Sea Kayaking the High Coast

For the experienced Sea Kayaker. Self guided paddling along the whole, or part of, the dramatic High Coast.

Kvinna vandrar Höga kusten-led i solig skog

Kayaking and trekking

Experience the full beauty of the High Coast by combining paddling and trekking, e g along the High Coast Trail - we can suggest routes, and assist your switch gear of between the two at suitable places.

Guided kayaking tours

For you who prefer to experience the beauty of the High Coast with company and an experienced guide.

Experience the Masterpieces of Nature

For the experienced Sea Kayaker the High Coast offers a unique combination of nature experience and adventure. High Coast Kayak helps you to an experience far above the ordinary.

Man paddlar havskajak i regn

A Fabulous World Heritage

The High Coast is one of UNESCOs well known World Heritages. With its dramatic land scape and rich fauna and flora this is a destination not to be missed!  Read more about the World Heritage.  

Enjoy our Photo Gallery

See pictures from earlier tours. Get inspiration for your own tour, or look back for nostalgia and history.

Our Visitors' views

Mixed News

Keep yourself updated on the latest from us!

Winter came early this year

Now we go ice-skating on our waters instead. So now is the time to make plans for summer of 2024 – you are welcome with your bookings/requests, looking forward to

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We Offer:

Custom built Guided Tours

High Coast Kayak offer guided tours custom built to suit each customer's level of experience and interests.

High Quality Gear

We supply top-of-the-line kayaks and paddling gear for all our customers.

Nature Protection Focus

We at High Coast Kayak are proud to be a responsible tourism operator.

Experienced Guides

Our guides are not only experienced kayakers, they also have a deep knowledge about the High Coast area.

Book your next kayaking adventure with us!

Follow us on an unforgettable experience in the High Coast this summer! Questions?
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